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App Experience Survey

Now that you've had a chance to use the app, we'd love your honest (be brutal) feedback on your experience.  You've seen our Minimum Viable product (MVP) and your feedback is necessary for us to make the changes that will make iToldYa! the best experience

How Frequently to you visit these socials?

Tik TokNeverRarelySometimesAlwaysI can't stop!Tik Tok
TwitterNeverRarelySometimesAlwaysI can't stop!Twitter
InstagramNeverRarelySometimesAlwaysI can't stop!Instagram
SnapchatNeverRarelySometimesAlwaysI can't stop!Snapchat
FacebookNeverRarelySometimesAlwaysI can't stop!Facebook
YouTubeNeverRarelySometimesAlwaysI can't stop!YouTube

Thank you for sharing your feedback, it will go a long way to help us improve the experience

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